Advanced Data Cleaning Techniques in SQL Server -- NZ BI User Group
November 10, 2012 at 9:07 AM
Steven Wang
I will present at NZ BI User Group for the topic: Advanced Data Cleaning Techniques in SQL Server for NZ BI User Group at 20th November at Microsoft Auckland.
In real word, data sources are too often full of dirty data due to data entry errors and differences in data representation among data sources. The poor data quality has been very negatively impacting business intelligence and decision support systems. The data cleaning process is the paramount important phase of a business intelligence project.
In this session, some practical data cleaning techniques will be discussed, which include but not limited to the list below:
- Data Profiling
- SQL Server Window Functions
- Script Transformation with Regular Expression
- Fuzzy Grouping
- Fuzzy Lookup
- DQS Cleansing (Brief Introduction)
This is a 300 to 400 level session and some fuzzy logic internals will also be touched.
Attached the presentation files as below: (3.87 mb)
Posted in: Data Cleaning | DQS | SSIS