Using SQL Server 2012 Window Functions to Solve Common T-SQL Challenges
September 10, 2012 at 11:55 AM
Steven Wang
Thanks to all who attended my session at the TechED New Zealand 2012. I hope that you have enjoyed the session. I have attached the presentation slides deck and Demo code in this blog.
Session Abstract:
SQL Server 2012 has introduced several new window functions and enhanced support for window aggregate functions by introducing window order and frame clauses, support for offset functions. In this session, the presenter will apply these new functions to solve some most frequently asked questions in MSDN T-SQL forum. If you have ever been faced with a challenge of how to calculate moving average, identify gap between records, combine consecutive and/or overlapped records and calculate running totals etc., then this session is for you.
Session Video:
Using SQL Server 2012 Window Functions
Session Slides:
DBI309_Using_Window_Functions.pptx (1.79 mb)
Demo Code and DB:
TechEdNZ2012.bak (5.27 mb) (258.64 kb)